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Start: September 2024 (the course will be activated only when the minimum number of participants is reached)

This course can be financed through Inter-professional Funds!

This course can be also provide online or at the customer’s company headquarters


7 days before the course


Supply Chain Manager and planner.


The course aims to illustrate the methods and techniques for the sizing of production capacity and the related monitoring, ensuring a volume of output of production according to the company objectives and with the demand that one wants to satisfy.


  • The production capacity
    • Definition, Parameters, Production capacity in multi-product contexts, Production capacity management
  • Sizing
    • Definition, Sizing assessments, Demand assessments, Calculation of the number of resources, Sizing based on expected demand, Support tools
  • Planning and Monitoring
    • Definition, planning processes, monitoring of suppliers’ production capacity, monitoring of internal production capacity, practical cases
  • Insigths
    • Apply Lean Manufacturing techniques, Design a flexible plant, Strategies for the flexible Supply Chain
  • Conclusion



Makeitalia Senior Consultant


The courses of Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy are characterized by a strong practical connotation. During the course are offered exercises, concrete examples of projects carried out with client companies and practical simulations.

Supply Chain Academy is the result of the experience of Makeitalia, a company that, for over 10 years, has its core business in Supply Chain Management.


1 day – 9.00/18.00


Via Jan Palach, 55 – Modena


“More participants” discount: 10% discount, in the case of two or more participants.


Attendance certificate

Teaching material


Coffee Break

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    Start: 17/05/2024

    This course can be financed through Inter-professional Funds!

    This course can be also provide online or at the customer’s company headquarters


    7 days before the course


    Supply Chain Managers, Purchasing Directors, Buyers and personnel assigned to cost analysis projects.


    The course aims to provide the tools necessary for understanding the financial aspects of an organization’s performance. The aim will be to facilitate competitive analysis, help in the choice between alternatives and support the strategic dicision-making process.


    • Financial Accounting
      • Introduction, General accounting, Financial statements, Budget documents, Balance sheet, Principle of the double aspect, Income statement, Profit, Reclassification of the income statement, Cash flow statement, Balance sheet analysis, Types of analysis, Index analysis
    • Impact of the inventory on financial performance
      • Trade-off of objectives, Inventory valuation, Costs related to inventory
    • Managerial Accounting
      • Introduction, Budgeting Process, Investment analysis, Costing methodolies, Cost-Volume-Profit analysis


    Makeitalia Senior Consultant


    The courses of Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy are characterized by a strong practical connotation. During the course are offered exercises, concrete examples of projects carried out with client companies and practical simulations.

    Supply Chain Academy is the result of the experience of Makeitalia, a company that, for over 10 years, has its core business in Supply Chain Management.


    1 day – 9.00/18.00


    Via Jan Palach, 55 – Modena


    “More participants” discount: 10% discount, in the case of two or more participants.


    Attendance certificate

    Teaching material


    Coffee Break

      Do you want to receive informations about the courses or register?

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      Subscribe to Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy Newsletter

      I have read the privacy policy Reg. UE 2016/679 available to the following link

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      Start: 8/10/2024

      This course can be financed through Inter-professional Funds!

      This course can be also provide online or at the customer’s company headquarters


      7 days before the course


      Logistics personnel and those involved in projects to introduce principles of lean thinking in the company.


      Design an efficient supply flow, from the warehouse to the plants. The course describes the techniques useful for the design of work stations, assembly lines and its interlocking in a lean perspective. In particular, the flow of materials is analyzed which leads to the balancing of the lines through the takt time, to the design of a work station and to the use of methods such as JIS or JIT for the arrival of materials on the line.


      • Introduction to the «Logistics» path
      • Basis of Lean Production
      • The Lean Supply Chain
        • Design of the logistic system in a Lean perspective, the principle «inside-out» and value creation
      • The work station
        • The lean work stations, the containers on the line
      • The assembly line
        • General information on the lines, classification of the material, the tense production flow, general information on the lines, classification of the materials, line control system, tools for logistics planning
      • Lean Supply Chain: from the company to the system



      Makeitalia Partner


      The courses of Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy are characterized by a strong practical connotation. During the course are offered exercises, concrete examples of projects carried out with client companies and practical simulations.

      Supply Chain Academy is the result of the experience of Makeitalia, a company that, for over 10 years, has its core business in Supply Chain Management.


      1 day – 9.00/18.00


      Via Jan Palach, 55 – Modena


      “More participants” discount: 10% discount, in the case of two or more participants.


      Attendance certificate

      Teaching material


      Coffee Break

        Do you want to receive informations about the courses or register?

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        Subscribe to Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy Newsletter

        I have read the privacy policy Reg. UE 2016/679 available to the following link

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        No comments
        Start: 10/05/2024

        This course can be financed through Inter-professional Funds!

        This course can be also provide online or at the customer’s company headquarters


        7 days before the course


        Supply Chain Managers, Quality Managers, Supplier Quality Managers, EQS, Purchasing Managers and Buyers and anyone in the company who needs to develop or manage a supplier evaluation system.


        The course aims to present the best cases in relation to the definition, development, implementation and management of a supplier evaluation system.


        • Commodity Management
          • Importance of commodity classes, creation of a commodity classification system, commodity classification: notes on Kraljic
        • Vendor Rating Systems
          • Why introduce a VR system?, The 3 elements that make up the system: evaluation (KPIs, objectives, weights), reporting, escalation
        • Evaluation
          • What makes sense to evaluate and what doesn’t, KPIs, objectives, weights, various examples
        • Reporting
          • What to show the supplier (and how often), Reporting systems – various examples
        • Escalation
          • Why evaluation is not enough, Processes and levels of escalation, various examples
        • VR System Manteinance
        • How to implement a VR. Stages of the implementation process, The most important phase: supplier onboarding, portals and tools related to VR


        Makeitalia Senior Consultant


        The courses of Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy are characterized by a strong practical connotation. During the course are offered exercises, concrete examples of projects carried out with client companies and practical simulations.

        Supply Chain Academy is the result of the experience of Makeitalia, a company that, for over 10 years, has its core business in Supply Chain Management.


        1 day – 9.00/18.00


        Via Jan Palach, 55 – Modena


        “More participants” discount: 10% discount, in the case of two or more participants.


        Attendance certificate

        Teaching material


        Coffee Break

          Do you want to receive informations about the courses or register?

          Contact us without obligations

          Subscribe to Makeitalia Supply Chain Academy Newsletter

          I have read the privacy policy Reg. UE 2016/679 available to the following link

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          Makeitalia returns to the University of Parma

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          On Monday, November 21, 2022, the second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge made its first stage at the University of Parma.

          Students in the course “Logistics Systems Design and Control” (Master’s Degree in Management Engineering) tutored by Professor Eleonora Bottani competed in the Supply Chain Game.

          The winners of the Nov. 21 match will face off against the winning teams from the other Italian universities that took part in the championship, during the Finals Sept. 22-23, in order to elect the champions of the second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge, an initiative promoted by Makeitalia.

          Special thanks to the students who participated in the challenge and to Professor Eleonora Bottani.

          Following are some photos from the day:



          Stay tuned to find out what’s next on the Road Map!



          Instagram: @supplychainchallenge

          Pagina Linkedin di Makeitalia

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          Makeitalia takes part in the Fare Insieme project of Confindustriua Emilia

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          We are pleased to announce that Makeitalia has participated in the Fare Insieme project of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro.

          Fare Insieme is an initiative conceived by Confindustria Emilia; it was created with the aim of telling the story of the excellence of the Emilia territory.

          Makeitalia was also selected to take part in the initiative. In particular, Francesco Tonolo, partner of Makeitalia, told the story of Makeitalia (birth, growth, core business, team, markets and future plans) through an interview conducted with a journalist from Il Sole 24 Ore.

          The conducted interview was then declined into:

          Content published on all social channels of Confindustria Emilia.

          We thank Confindustria Emilia for giving us the opportunity to tell the story of Makeitalia. A story made of people, customers, collaborators, passion and determination.

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          The second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge is ready to start

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          Fare News of Confindustria Emilia – “Makeitalia launches the second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge

          The National Supply Chain Championship involving master’s students in the Bachelor of Engineering Management degree courses.

          After the success of the first edition, concluded with the final event last 21 September 2022, Makeitalia launches the second chapter of the Supply Chain Challenge.

          An event resulting from an idea of Makeitalia, Modena-based company that has been involved in Supply Chain Management for more than fourteen years.

          It concerns the National Championship in Supply Chain involving different Italian Universities, particularly Master’s degree courses in Management Engineering.

          Goal: To identify the Italian Supply Chain Champions.

          Carry on reading the article, published in Fare news of Confindustria Emilia. Click here!

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          The second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge kicks off

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          Emilia Romagna Economy – “Makeitalia launches the second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge

          The National Supply Chain Championship among master’s degree students in Management Engineering programs.

          After the success of the first edition, concluded with the final event last 21 September 2022, Makeitalia launches the second chapter of the Supply Chain Challenge. An event resulting from an idea of Makeitalia, Modena-based company that has been involved in Supply Chain Management for more than fourteen years. It concerns the National Championship in Supply Chain involving different Italian Universities, particularly Master’s degree courses in Management Engineering. Goal: To identify the Italian Supply Chain Champions.

          Carry on reading the article, published in Emilia Romagna Economy. Click here!

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          Makeitalia certified Consultant Iungo

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          Makeitalia, following a training period, has been certified as an Iungo Consultant.

          Iungo, with whom Makeitalia is a partner, is a Modena-based company specializing in optimizing Supply Chain Collaboration and related business processes.

          At IungoForum2022, an event held annually, the company presented, in fact, the new Iungo Consultant Certification project.

          The purpose is to transfer process skills to customers and support them in managing supply chain collaboration projects with Iungo.

          Following the conclusion of the Consultant Certification course, Makeitalia obtained the Certification.

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          Makeitalia launches second edition of Supply Chain Challenge

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          ModenaToday – “Makeitalia launches the second edition of the Supply Chain Challenge

          After the success of the first edition, concluded with the final event last 21 September 2022, Makeitalia launches the second chapter of the Supply Chain Challenge.

          An event resulting from an idea of Makeitalia, Modena-based company that has been involved in Supply Chain Management for more than fourteen years.

          It concerns the National Championship in Supply Chain involving different Italian Universities, particularly Master’s degree courses in Management Engineering.

          Goal: To identify the Italian Supply Chain Champions.

          Carry on reading the article, published in ModenaToday. Click here!

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